Sunday, 27 March 2011

Guess what? New header!

I'm sorry for the lack of posting, but the weather has been really crappy lately whilst I'm stuck inside my house I've been drawing and sewing some things for you guys to see really soon! (I hope...)

I've also joined Formspring, so from on now you can ask me anything you want...

And as you can see...I also changed my header and practically all the aspects about it design. Do you like it?

Lots of Love,

P.S. I'll promisse to post some good material soon!

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Do you want this cloth bag?

Do you want this cloth bag?

-International Giveaway-

To win it you will need to:

Follow me here (blogger) and make a comment bellow.

(If you want to apply for this contest you have to say it in the comment, otherwise I wont select your comment to do the sortition.)

The sortition will be held on the 30th of April.

More information:

I made the bag myself, if you don't win the giveaway and still want the flag bag, just say so, I'll post some items in my Etsy shop soon and also post here about it!

Lots of Love,

Thursday, 10 March 2011


Hi guys, this is just a quick update to say that from on now I'm going to have weekly posts called DIY(Do it yourself), where I can teach you and show to do things such as clothes and acessorios for yourself, by yourself, without spending too much money...
Keep tuned, and follow my dance steps...

Lots of Love,

P.S. If you have any ideas, please send me a message...

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

DIY - Fixing a dress

A friend of mine bought this dress in sales and she didn't tried it on. 1st mistake, ladies!! Never buy anything without trying. Never!
So she gave it to me, but it's TOO BIG! And this calls for a DIY.
I'm going to do a mini toturial in how to fix a dress to fit you. This toturial is good for when you go thrifting and you love the dress but it doesn't fit you... Just follow my steps...

TIME: about an hour
Difficulty: (3/5)

You will need:
- Loads of pins,
- A needle with thread,
- Scissors,
and a sewing machine...

 Put on the dress on and see what's wrong...
( it's too long... the baby doll fit doesn't fit where it's supposed to... and there's to much fabric underneath the armpits...)


Turn the dress inside out and pin it, do it yourself or ask a friend to do it...

 Sew everything, cut the ends and voila...
I also adjusted the breast line, but for some reason I forgot to take pics...
(you just have to do the same thing. Pin it and sew it C:)

Lots of Love,

P.S. Sorry for the messy post :x

Saturday, 5 March 2011

¡España te quiero!

This is just an update, since lately I'm not having the time to take pics and the weather hasn't helped either.
I'll promisse to post soon since I have Carnival holidays till thursday... (yeaaay!)
My school arranged a field trip to Barcelona and I'm really thinking of going...
It's 5 days, we're going to Barcelona... and Madrid... and Salamanca.
What do you guys think?

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Red Inspires Me

Lots of Love,

P.S. I don't own the rights to these pics.